Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Objective: To enhance our dancing skills and to be more exposed on the field on dancing. We also like to join in some competition or other activities to influence other people to dance and make them more inspired.

Our Adviser Mr. Roy Lachica is the one who encourages us to dance more, and he is also our role model in our daily living. He is the one that guides us, making us feel special in the club.
Currently we are practicing for the upcoming event Club Big Day this Friday (March 27,2015) and we are almost done practicing. We hope you guys will watch our performance. Thank You.
Practice Time!!

We Perform Every Month on stage because of the Culmination Program.

They are the JET BLACK crew or our Dance Club Members

This was 2014's Dance Club Members

This Was 2013's Dance Club Members

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gustine and Jason from the Dance club of HNU Highschool department participated in the Lyrical Contest in HNU main (University Days) and became champions

This picture was taken last Holy Name University (University Days) competing in the contest (Showtime) at Holy Name University Main
Dance is the art of movement of the body, usually rhythmically and to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures. "A dance" is any one prescribed sequence of such movements, or the music to which it is performed, or an event at which it takes place. Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication recognisable in other animals; in bee dances and behaviour patterns such as mating dances.

We chose this club because this is our passion and the way to express our emotions.
Our Club Adviser is : Roy Lachica
He is the one who teaches us in dancing, not only in dancing but also our model in our daily lives